Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Utilitarianism and Genetic Engineering - 1581 Words

Utilitarianism and Genetic Engineering In the past thirty years, humans are witnessing a huge revolution in the genetic engineering industry. Having identified most of the Human Genome, gene sequencing has become programmed and extremely fast, and laboratory techniques in molecular biology allow for in-vitro fertilization and transfer of genetic material. Gene therapy and repair based on stem cells research allows for replacement of a defected allele in the DNA, and even a whole damaged tissue in the patient. In general, it is accurate to say that genetic engineering is a controversial topic about which people tend to have strong opinions. The genetic engineering issues that mainly catch the attention of the moral community involve the†¦show more content†¦The most promising benefit of genetic engineering is gene therapy which is the medical treatment of a disease wherein the defective genes are repaired and replaced or therapeutic genes are introduced to fight the disease (4, Shandilya, 2008). Every human being inherits approximately 30000 genes at birth. These determine his or her physical and emotional attributes. Some of these genes might have mutated or become otherwise defective making the carrier predisposed to certain genetic diseases. These diseases may strike the person during his lifetime or alternatively may not do so at all. Nonetheless the person is a carrier and passes on these defective genes to his progeny. At some point, perhaps generations later when conditions are favorable, the disease will manifest itself (5, P1, Go, 2009). One of the primary objectives in genetic engineering is to identify and isolate such genes with a view to repairing them or eradicating them so that their harmful effects are negated. An alternate strategy employed is to introduce a gene that has the effect of countering or combating the defective gene (5, p2, Go, 2009). Another goal of genetic engineering is to find remedies and therapies to treat other non-genetic diseases.Show MoreRelatedJohn Stuart Mill And Utilitarianism1202 Words   |  5 Pages Furthermore, Despite Walter Glannon’s second argument against genetic enhancement for personal gain, I contend that the philosophy of John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism can be used to show that society should will that genetic enhancement be morally acceptable if the adverse cognitive or emotional effects are outweighed by the benefits. Glannon argues that gene enhancement is morally objectionable because â€Å"there would be the unacceptable social cost of some people suffering from adverse cognitiveRead MoreA Research On Genetic Engineering1407 Words   |  6 PagesGenetic Engineering is all about genes, which are made of DNA; the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms. It is a very broad term that covers a range of techniques that allow for the artificial addition, deletion or rearrangement of sequences of bases in DNA in order to alter the observable form and function of an organism. (Science Group, 201 4). Genetic Engineering was first discovered in the 1970s when scientist discovered how toRead MoreShould New Zealand Allow Genetically Modified Food? Essay1570 Words   |  7 Pagesof molecular genetics. New ways are discovered and implemented to improve what nature has to offer, a variety of species are being genetically modified in order to produce new substances and carry out different functional roles (Ministry for the Environment, 2004). With the use of genetic engineering a gene of interest is introduced into a different species, allowing for a desired trait to be acquired in that species (Hui Culbertson, 2006). With the introduction of genetic engineering it is now possibleRead MoreGenetic Engineering : The Field Of Human Biotechnology1490 Words   |  6 PagesGenetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is a set of techniques for isolating, transforming, multiplying and recombining genes from different organisms. Simply put, it is the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism. Genetic engineering originated in the 1970s as a result of the discovery of several key techniques in molecular genetics. It is also referred to as recombinant (rDNA) technology. Genetic Engineering enables geneticists to transfer genes between species that belongRead MoreIs It Right Or Wrong? Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pages2211 December 3rd, 2016 With the world of technology making advances so quickly we sometimes forget our own limits as a mortal species. Genetic therapy has the potential to save millions of people from genetic mutations and protein deficiencies. This paper will go on to argue that the Utilitarianism approach in ethics shows all the right things about genetic therapy. The first-time gene therapy was used on a patient dates back in the 1990s when a four-year-old girl had adenosine deaminase deficiencyRead MoreGenetic Engineering Is Ethically Justified824 Words   |  4 PagesOCR AS Level Ethics Genetic engineering Example of part (b) question (b) â€Å"Genetic engineering is ethically justified.† Discuss [10] Since the development of genetic engineering in the 1970s, scholars have questioned its ethical justification, claiming that it was playing God’ and was unnatural. Others claimed that humans have always altered their environment to benefit themselves. An example is that of genetically modified crops which some people believe can be justified for a numberRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Medical Perfection Or Playing God1280 Words   |  6 PagesThesis Statement â€Å"Genetic engineering differs from cloning in key ways. Whereas cloning produces genetically exact copies of organisms, genetic engineering refers to processes in which scientists manipulate genes to create purposefully different versions of organisms—and, in some cases, entirely new living things†, duplication of genetic cells is known as human cloning. Development of genetic engineering biotechnologies undermines the natural autonomy of life. Does genetic engineering interfere withRead MoreRecent Developments In Gene Editing, Concerning The Modification1447 Words   |  6 Pagesediting, concerning the modification of embryonic cells and its’ usefulness since the discovery of iPS cells Abstract This essay addresses the question â€Å"In light of the recent developments with iPS cells, is the genetic modification of human embryos justified?†. New gene editing software CRISPR has created cheaper and more accurate modification, making the editing of an embryo a possibility. There are concerns about this advancement as it is the changing of our DNARead MoreTechnology : A World Where There Is No Afterlife1627 Words   |  7 Pageshome—enhancing the human-body experience, minimizing bodily pain, or curing cancer—paves the way for mainstream humanity to reap the benefits of the biohacking craft. Likewise, the framework of utilitarianism seeks to maximize pleasure and minimize pain for the greatest number of individuals. Utilitarianism as a framework spotlights what is ethical about biohacking. Background of Biohacking ï ¿ ¼ ï ¿ ¼Biohacking is a new phenomenon, stemming from the advent of modern technology. It is a practice that combinesRead MoreThe Case Against Perfection : Ethics And The Problems That Arise From It1175 Words   |  5 Pagesthat arise from it. These topics range from the ethics of cloning, athletes using performance enhancing drugs, and other practical uses in everyday life. Sandel’s argument is that there is value in human nature (even with all its flaws), and genetic engineering will forever change human nature. Destroying the very essence of what it is to be human and scarring humanity. The main features of human nature that will be altered: are responsibility, humility and solidarity. No more are the days of an parent

Monday, December 16, 2019

Location options for retail and service businesses Free Essays

INTRODUCTION A firm location of determines how it operates and what factors hinder or enabling the firm to operate effectively. Localization of industry is beneficial in many instances, and at the same time has its demerits. Concentration of businesses service in the same location gives firm economies of externalities. We will write a custom essay sample on Location options for retail and service businesses or any similar topic only for you Order Now These externalities come in form of backward linkages to the services from other firms, pulling a training school for manpower development and workers training. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF LOCALIZATION OF FIRMS Advantages of Central Business District include: I. Encourage the development of supportive service centers; ІІ.   Access to high skilled labors; ІІІ. Access to operational tools and spare parts; ІV. Access to modern technology and information technology; V. Encourage development of common training centers for staffers and clients orientation. Disadvantages of locating a service firm in a business district include: I.   Increase in   competition level among service firms; II.   Increase in cost of operation due to congested industry and business district. Advantages of Neighborhood location І. Having opportunity to get feedback from customers and clients; ІІ. Easy advertisement of services to clients; ІІІ.   Personal services are easily tailored to client taste. ІV. Assess to raw material for retail stores. Disadvantages of Neighborhood location І.   Service provision are restricted to those in the neighborhood; ІІ.  High cost for introducing new technology and workforce training. Advantages of Shopping Centers and Malls location І.  One time shopping is easily carried out by customers; ІІ.  Attraction of different categories of customers are encourages   due to product and services differentiation Disadvantages of Shopping Centers and Malls location: І.   Shop lifting are easily carried out due to many differentiated products; ІІ.  Customers may be tempted to buy the wrong product due to plethora of appealing products in the   window dressing; Advantages of store near competitors: І.  Ã‚   New strategy and business idea are learn from rivals; ІІ.  Ã‚   Cost reduction are reduced due to the competition among firms; ІІІ.   Raw materials are easily accessed; ІV.  Ã‚  Innovation are encouraged due to healthy competition among firms V.     Encourage introduction of modern technology Disadvantages of store near competitors: І    Organization strategies are counterpart thereby rendering the operations ineffective; ІІ    Unhealthy competition leads to blackmailing and sabotaging activities against rivals Advantages of outlying areas І       Proper structure and market planning is encouraged; ІІ      Ã‚  Easy transportation of goods are enabled ІІІ       Easy location of service and goods to an outlet Disadvantages of outlying areas І      Few operators are encouraged in the market which results in price hike; ІІ    Customers cannot make all service shopping in one location. Advantages of Home based location: І      Backward linkage to local raw materials is encouraged; ІІ      Cheap labor and cost reduction is easily accessed; ІІІ    Local taste and culture is easily recognized and upheld   Disadvantages of Home based location І      Varieties of product and service are restricted due to local taste and wants; ІІ       Difficulty in introducing new technologies CONCLUSION The location of retail or service businesses influences how well such firm operates. The location may  Ã‚   result in the advancement of the business operations or may hinder it depending on the location and business type. It is then germane that adequate assessment is conducted to weigh the pros and cons of a place where a business would be located in order to derive maximum advantages. How to cite Location options for retail and service businesses, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Will Scoot Be free essay sample

Today, there are two major airline business models that characterize the world’s aviation market: the full service airlines and the low cost airlines. Both of them are playing their role well in the market, targeting different segments, also on the other hand also complementing each other. Lately, Singapore Airlines is going to launch a new no-frills low cost subsidiary airline, operating wide body aircraft on medium and long haul routes. Scoot will likely become the name of this new subsidiary, which will begin their operation on 2012. The purpose of this research is to define Scoot’s target audience and propose creative strategy to position Scoot in the market in order to fulfill market demands. This report is based on case study of low cost airlines market, travelling behavior and statistics, and some market surveys using information obtained in interviews with related respondents and public questionnaires. The results show that Scoot has a great chance to lead in low-cost airlines game market. We will write a custom essay sample on What Will Scoot Be? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are many possibilities that Scoot can take and there are still a lot of unfulfilled market demands from their target audience. For those reasons, low-cost carrier business model exists and now plays the important role in aviation industry. In order to facilitate market demands, Singapore Airlines (SIA) will launch its new low-cost budget airline so called Scoot. Scoot will be using SIA retrofitted wide body Boeing 777-200s to serve medium-long haul routes. Even Scoot will be managed independently separated from SIA, it seems that Scoot will inherit the good name of SIA for their service quality and professionalism. There are some factors that may affect the triumph of Scoot, which can be lassified as internal and external factors. The internal factor is about how Scoot committees manage and operate the company. SES: Middle to high social class Income: Above SGD 2,000/month Employment: Self-employed, company worker Marital Status: Single, married Language: English (primary), Chinese, Bahasa II. Target Market Psychographic and Behavioristic Profile Social Class: E, C1, B Lifestyle: Reformer, explorer, aspirer, resigned Occasions: Leisure, small business Benefit Sought : Low cost, no-frills, reliable Usage Rate: Medium Usage Status: Non-users, potential users, regular users Loyalty Status: Soft core loyals BRS: Knowledge, conviction, purchase

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Question and Objective Historical Commentary free essay sample

One of the first questions I missed was the very first question which asked about what the passage could best be described as. I originally thought it was more of a dramatic monologue. Once I checked my answers and reviewed the passage once more I realized that it was an objective historical commentary. I also got question #40 incorrect because I failed to see those terms as euphemisms. I thought they were nicknames used by the locals. The questions structure was slightly hard to follow, but it wasn’t as hard this time around. My experience with this practice multiple choice section was a more pleasant one. Although I missed a few questions, I can see that it was my own lack of comprehension that led me to incorrectness. This passage and set of questions was a lot easier to me than some of the other ones. I understood most of what was given. We will write a custom essay sample on Question and Objective Historical Commentary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were only a few aspects that were tossed at me that were lost upon me. 1. What elements of satire did you notice upon your first read of the article? Some elements that I picked up are the excessive way the author poked fun at special products that claim to heal you with the power of science. 2. What rhetorical strategies contribute to the satire? How are they effectively used? One rhetorical strategy used is ad populum fallacy. More specifically the use of bandwagoning, making sure that other important people let you know they like the product in order to gain the appeal or the common people. Another is the use of jargon. It uses many real and imaginary scientific terms such as biomagnetic and vibrational biofeedback. 3. What are the key differences between student response 2A and student response 2B? How do you account for the three point difference in scores? One of the key differences between the student’s responses is that student 1A used more precise details and quotes as opposed to student 1B who didn’t use as much details and that’s what caused the difference between their scored. 4. Explain the score received by the writer of 2C. Where do you think this writer might have missed an opportunity to craft a much stronger essay? Where are the opportunities for improvement? Student 2C received the score of 3 because of his complete lack of detail. He focused way too much on the fictional facts instead of the element of satire presented. When discussing the personal interviews the student could have used direct quotes and elaboration to further explain the content of the satirical article. 5. Based on your evaluation of the question, responses, and scoring commentary, what advice would you give to your classmates for approaching a question which requires an insightful analysis of satire? The advice I would give would be to make sure you pay attention to detail and to not be so broad when discussing the article. Be sure to use quotes and explanations. Also, be sure to give plenty of examples without straying from the context.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog Nora Ephron, PioneerWoman

Nora Ephron, PioneerWoman Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. Nora Ephron, one of Americas most beloved humorists, died today at the age of 71. Unconfined to the mere role of writer, Ephron transcended all genres. Journalist, screenwriter, novelist, playwright, essayist, blogger, she wore many hats, progressing from a young satirist in 1960s New York to one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. Many will remember her for the romantic comedies that warmed our hearts (Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, Youve Got Mail) but in her passing fellow female journalists remind us of the contributions Ephron made to the advancement of women. In a moving tribute to the writer in The Huffington Post, Lisa Belkin writes, Most of all, she opened doors. By putting the female experience on the screen and on the page, she made it visible, and worthy, and she elevated it to the level of art. She took womens topics romance, relationships, food, motherhood, clothes, hair, friendship, aging, looking young and declared that they were not only worthy of conversation, but they could draw at the box office, which is the only language Hollywood understands. Its hard to imagine where the funny women of the page and screen would be today without Nora Ephron to pave their way. Could Lena Dunham or Tina Fey be so side-splittingly hilarious without Ephron as a predecessor? She wrote unabashedly about the womens realm, reveling in the womans view of sex and romance, allowing all of us to be not only funny, but honest and genuine too. She gave women a voice, and a witty one at that. Ephrons last two collections of essays, 2006s I Feel Bad About My Neck and 2010s I Remember Nothing, continued on in the same candid style as her earlier works, leaving nothing about her musings on aging to the imagination:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Today there are parts of Manhattan and Los Angeles where there are no gray-haired women at all†¦ The amount of maintenance involving hair is genuinely overwhelming. Sometimes I think that not having to worry about your hair anymore is the secret upside of death.† Clues like this insinuated the end might be near, but for the rest of us it still came far too soon. Ephron once wrote, I always read the last page of a book first so that if I die before I finish Ill know how it turned out. We may have reached Noras last page, but I suspect and hope that young women everywhere will read her story for years to come.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The -escent Suffix

The -escent Suffix The -escent Suffix The -escent Suffix By Sharon My five year old is now reading fluently and as a result is asking all sorts of questions about the meanings of words. The other day, she asked why fluorescent bulbs were so named and I realized that I had absolutely no idea, so I set out to find out more about this suffix. It turns out that -escent is used in two ways. The first relates to the play of light and color and is seen in words such as: fluorescent having a type of luminescence caused by the absorption of radiation iridescent having a lustrous, rainbow like play of color pearlescent having a pearly luster opalescent reflecting an iridescent light phosphorescent the quality of luminescence without heat incandescent white or glowing with intense heat luminescent low temperature emission of light The other use of -escent indicates a change of state. Something may be beginning to change, have changed slightly or resemble another object. That use gives us words such as obsolescent becoming obsolete quiescent becoming quiet arborescent resembling a tree effervescent beginning to boil or bubble adolescent becoming an adult convalescent recovering health gradually after being ill florescent beginning to flower Related suffixes are -esce and -escence (as in convalesce and convalescence) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsThe Many Forms of the Verb TO BE50 Words with Alternative Spellings

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Australian-Indian Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian-Indian Relations - Essay Example n this very arc of instability. As a result, Australia may be out of touch with the majority of issues in Southeast Asia, and because it has intervened but failed to cultivate these island nations toward a lasting peace, may have no bridge into the politics of South Asia or even the wonted East Asia region. From this perspective it may appear that Australia's relations with India and Pakistan are limited to the maximum. For decades, the reality has been just that, as the Cold War and Australia's association with the US have kept it at a distance from India. When India began testing nuclear weapons, it seems that Australia became even more opposed to deepening its relations with India due to India's failure to sign the non-proliferation treaty. However, India's relations with India at the present time due run much deeper than may be expected. For a brief period, the Australian government had agreed to supply India with uranium, which was an excellent deal for India considering Austral ia's vast holdings of uranium. Beyond simply cricket and uranium, the nations also shared a naval presence in the Indian Ocean as well as a shared diplomatic, economic, and political interest in the bulk of the Asian continent that lies to the east of India and to the northwest of Australia? region that neither country had given much attention to in decades past. Today, India's relationship with Australia falls into several areas. The first and foremost is a history of association with the British Empire, which in many ways paved the way for other aspects of the relationship. The English language is spoken in Australia, and probably spoken by even more people in India than the entire population of Australia combined. Furthermore, the two countries are the two largest democracies in the region surrounding East Asia, and particularly China as well as the Indian Ocean. Both have had growing ties with the United States during the years of the Bush administration and the War on Terror, a nd thus share many common military and defense goals? precursor for Australians brief increase of uranium supply for India. India and Australia are also economic partners, as both have strong and quickly developing economies. India, with its especially fast development, relies on Australia for the supply of raw materials, while Australia profits from such a supply and thus finds that its economy is strengthened by trade with India more than it is by other countries in South and Southeast Asia. Finally, India offers a democratic and secure alternative to trading with China, which has been known for nuclear proliferation. India and Australia also share an educational exchange, as many Indians look to Australia for English-speaking institutions of study, while Australians have sought to expand the existence of South Asian studies programs that focus on India. Indeed, the evidence exists to show that the relationship between India and Australia is one of note and great potential. The tw o countries recognize many common interests, and while they do not directly benefit one another's top agendas, they do have a mutually beneficial existence in regards to regional security, trade, immigration, education, and politics. Although these may be many aspects of an overall largely

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Topic is a case study of the hacking of Sony Playstation that occurred Term Paper

Topic is a case study of the hacking of Sony Playstation that occurred in April 2011 - Term Paper Example The personal details that the hackers took if traded on via online black-markets rendered a likely value of ?100 million. The hit upon the Sony PlayStation System was aided by the absence of a unsystematic digit in the set of rules employed by the system security therein. This eventually permitted the clandestine key employed for the fortification of digitized content on the network to be located. Sony made a critical mistake. The safety systems in position inside the Sony correspondingly left a lot to be anticipated. The establishment failed to safeguard the systems via firewalls. Use of web applications that were archaic made Sony sites appealing victims for hacking pursuit. Outmoded Apache versions for the Web server were operational besides no patches had been applied on the PlayStation system. Lack of a firewall operating on the PlayStation system servers could have prompted ease of hackers to break into Sony’s system. The other reason as to why the breach took place was that there existed problems at the board level inside Sony Corporation. There was structural intricacy and a deficiency of ample backing for safekeeping. It is unknown, precisely what safety precautions Sony had in position prior to the infringement. Nonetheless, structural complacency correspondingly played a role during the PlayStation System hits. ... computer websites and networks are typically so well secured such that even the best advanced hacker habitually has to devote hours attempting to get a pathway in past the safety measures. A greatly easier victim is the comparatively latest technologies for instance; gaming devices for example, the Sony PlayStation, tablet PCs, and mobile phones. These machineries do not possess identical level of defense as the ordinary PC networks applying protected networks and firewalls. Sony necessitates little overview as one of the globe leading digital showbiz brands, along with a huge collection of hypermedia content. A significant emphasis for Sony is its division of gaming, Sony Computer Showbiz, a key video game establishment focusing in a multiplicity of parts in the industry of video game. The PSN (PlayStation Network) is a wired multiplayer gaming digital channel delivery service and to utilize the service, customers must create accounts. The recent concerns with the PlayStation System , in which thousands of accounts were broken into, is an indication that hackers are attempting, and succeeding in hacking and stealing personal information from hundreds of paying clients. The security was so lapse such that the single way Sony could avoid the glitch from reoccurring eventually was to shut down the gaming system for a number of weeks. As indicated on June 6, 2011 by New York Times, Sony would possibly take ages to repair their safety issues for the servers, website and database in the Sony substructure. In contrast to Microsoft, a corporation, which has had ages in the manner of improving safety, Sony is very overdue concerning safety of their fundamental services. Analysis Sony was taken on in several of areas, together with their website, gaming and network platform.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Changing Demographics Essay Example for Free

Changing Demographics Essay New demographic changes, economic globalization, high levels of workforce automation, and pressing health and security issues are intertwined instruments that seem to be changing the global polity. A high level of immigration into countries with a relatively stable economy has tremendous impacts on every facet of the host community. America has thus gradually become much more diverse and multiethnic than it was in past decades. The impacts of changing demographics also affect the education sector. In most American elementary schools, there have been tremendous changes from what was the usual status quo many decades ago. Changing demographics in elementary schools can have both many positive and many negative effects. The positive effects are desired, cherished and encouraged while the negative ones are regrettably unfortunate and measures should be put in place to reduce their severity. With the increasingly multi ethnic nature of elementary schools, the students are able to mingle with students from entirely different backgrounds and ethnic affiliations. This has the advantage of allowing intercultural interactions among students of various ethnic backgrounds. Difficult actions like the acquisition of foreign languages and cuisine are easily achieved. There are also many reasons to redesign our elementary schools so that they are more international in character. Part of the redesign process is focused on making it easier for foreign students to be fully integrated into the communities surrounding the schools. Since elementary schools currently have services that reaching far beyond their immediate geographical locality, many types of support services are being put together to help international students. The management and the faculty of many elementary schools are being forced to revise their curriculums with the aims of internationalizing them. This include the introduction of new foreign languages into the curriculum. It is now becoming very popular to see elementary schools teach Chinese and Arabic along with the more traditional French and Spanish. The curriculums that are inspired by changing demographics are set to make the students become more successful global citizens with adequate information about the world, its people and their traditions. The elementary school teaching profession should become more adept at teaching students of different backgrounds. This will involve professionalism and updated skills on the part of the teachers. Thus, teachers are being forced to go for re-training to be able to meet up with the millennial challenge of teaching elementary students. This is a good omen for the teachers and the schools in general because it could be totally absurd to use ancient teaching methods meant for Alaska born and based students in a class with mixed ethnicity. Due to the NCLB Act, the local educational bodies are now compelled to raise the standards of education in the various elementary schools to meet up with expectations of the parents that are bringing their children to the school. Some ethnic groups are considered to be protected minorities, and a school could face sanctions if it fails to achieve adequate performance among these groups. Studies have shown that quest for quality education is one of the driving forces in global migration. Most of the schools are now raising their standards to complete for the enrollment of students in the schools. The improved standard of education is also making it possible for investments in elementary education to be lucrative. With more foreign students admitted, more funds are being generated. This however, is a disadvantage on the side of the students both local residents and foreign that involved often have to pay exorbitant fees for the education. Like the wind, changing demographics blow students about. Sometimes exceptionally brilliant students are coughed in the wind. If blown to the right school, the skills, talents and abilities of such students could be discovered, polished and utilized to the fullest potential. Some skills are priceless in terms of the prestige that is bestowed on the students, the school and the society. A lot has been said in the positive ways that demographic changes have affected and are currently affecting elementary schools. It would be worthy be also note the problems that changing demographics can bring to the elementary schools. According to recent studies, a high influx of foreign students into elementary schools has caused an increase in the rate of ethnic intolerance. This is also evident in middle and high schools. More children are having divided feelings about belonging to the school over time. It is common to see students in their own ethnic groups rather than as a class. They tend to associate only with students for same background while these that are not are liberated and ostracized. The usual tradition of referring to the schools as a community may seem to have been long lost. The variable changes in the education system have greatly increased the worries of some students about their academic performance. Average students may be seen struggling to be in tune with the rhythm. This may be occurring because of the limitations of language barrier and totally different education methods that may lead to problems for them in class. An intense cloud of insecurity also seems to have enveloped the schools. Students of a particular background may feel threatened by students of other backgrounds. Children from Arabic backgrounds may be seen as potential terrorists. There is also a fear students being infected by an unknown disease that was carried by foreign students. In some countries of the world, most citizens are carriers of some types of parasites and possibly strange diseases or diseases such as tuberculosis. When children from that type of background mix with students with whom they don’t share close ties with, there is the possibility of them spreading communicable diseases. Competition for the limited available space in the elementary schools which are near by s is also creating problems when more students apply to schools, and various measures are employed to cut down the size. These can include exorbitant fees and overstressing the available academic resources. Being social with other people is the desire of must individuals. While having people thought of as strangers in one’s territory may bring suspicions, alienation should never be an option. Children at a delicate stage in their life deserve to be brought up in a loving and severe community and the elementary schools should not be expected to be failing in the provision of these. When the influx of immigrants seems to be going at a rate of is alarming, adjustment may be very difficult. The education system is expected to maintain standardized curriculums and it is expected to create a proper community that could facilitate qualitative education. Students in elementary schools deserve to be well educated and their satisfaction should not be taken for granted at the expense of anybody; everybody should be satisfied. Proper legislation should be put in place to check migration and adequate protection should be given so that elementary schools will not be caught unaware when bad wind blows!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jack Kilby: Inventor of the Microchip :: essays research papers fc

Jack Kilby: Inventor of the Microchip Many people living in this fast-paced, globally-connected world often take for granted the amount of technology that goes into the little â€Å"gadgets† they love. They also do not often think about the people that made this technology possible. Throughout history, there have been only a handful of persons that have truly altered the way in which a society operates and lives. Jack Kilby’s invention of the monolithic integrated circuit, or better known as the microchip, gave birth to a new technological field of modern microelectronics. His ingenious work at Texas Instruments over forty-five years ago, was a breakthrough that has led to the â€Å"sophisticated high-speed computers and large-capacity semiconductor memories of today’s information age.† Born on November 8, 1923 in Jefferson City, Missouri, Jack Kilby was a determined intellectual. After receiving a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Mr. Kilby decided to get his M.S. in the same field from the University of Wisconsin. He then began his career in Milwaukee in 1947, working in the Centralab Division of Globe Union Inc. â€Å"developing ceramic-base, silk-screen circuits for consumer electronic products.† 1958 was significant for Jack Kilby due to the fact that he began working in Dallas for Texas Instruments (TI) early that year. During the summer of that same year, using borrowed materials, Mr. Kilby envisioned and constructed the very first electronic circuit in which â€Å"all of the components, both active and passive, were fabricated in a single piece of semiconductor material half the size of a paper clip.† On September 12, 1958, history was made in a TI laboratory after he successfully demonstrated the ability of that first microchip. Mr. Kilby showed the TI management a piece of germanium with an oscilloscope attached, turned it on, and the oscilloscope demonstrated a continuous sine wave, â€Å"proving that his integrated circuit worked.† Jack Kilby proceeded to â€Å"pioneer military, industrial, and commercial applications of microchip technology.† He was head of the teams that built both the first military system and the first computer featuring integrated circuits. Mr. Kilby then went on to co-invent the hand-held calculator. However, in 1970, he wanted some time off to develop his own inventions, so he decided to take a leave of absence from TI. He began to investigate the idea that silicon technology could be used to generate electrical power from sunlight. He would later incorporate this function into handheld calculator technology.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ganhi, King, and Mandela: What Made Non-Violence Work?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who started his voyage in Spain and was the first explorer to circumnavigate, meaning to travel all the around the world. He was killed on April 27, 1521 by the natives on the island of Cebu in the Philippines while many of his own men stayed on the boat despite knowing their captain was in trouble. The question being asked was whether or not this captain was worth defending. This question could be answered either way but in this essay we are going to argue that Magellan was not worth defending.Ferdinand Magellan was not worth defending because he was unorganized, he forced and threatened natives in the Philippines to convert to his religion of Catholicism and lastly, he was bossy and could care less about the crewmembers needs. Magellan wasn’t organized as a leader because during their voyage after they had crossed the Atlantic Ocean and had sailed down the coast of what we now call the countries of Brazil and Argentina, he noticed that the supplies might not last them the rest of their trip. Because of this Magellan put each crewmember on a limited about of food that they could have each day.Many of the men grew ill, were very unhappy with this decision and wanted to return home, but Magellan refused to listen to any of their needs. This shows that Magellan was not a very organized leader because he didn’t bring enough food and supplies that could last for each and every crewmember during their many long years on sea. A mutiny was also organized against Magellan, and in self-defense he killed everyone who was against him including leaders and captains on the other ships. This shows he was not organized because if he was, his own men would not have gone against him and tried to kill him.The decision that Magellan made that changed his life was also a very important reason that could support the argument that he was not worth defending. Magellan was killed in the Philippines after he forced all the nati ves to convert to Catholicism. Those who didn’t were threatened just like the village on Mactan that he burned down after they did not convert. If Magellan did not make that horrible decision he could have been with his remaining men as they completed the voyage. This decision he made shows he was probably not a very good leader, it also supports the reason he was norganized. Magellan should have made a better decision, which was to leave the natives alone in their home and try to accomplish his goal, which was to reach the Spice Islands. The fact that when the natives went up against Magellan and his men stayed in the ship knowing he was in danger shows his men disliked him and that he may of done other horrible things to them that we are not aware of. The last explanation that can support the argument on whether or not Magellan was worth defending was that he was very bossy, and careless of his men’s need.The men on board played a very important role and greatly help ed him become the first leader to circumnavigate. Without the men, this might have not been possible. In the documents there is no evidence that shows he was ever thankful for them. We are also not given much information on the men who liked him and thought of him as a great leader. The documents just explain to us how he was bossy and didn’t care about them. In Document D we are told how many of the men got very sick and their gums swelled up causing them to be unable to eat.In these documents we are not told Magellan was ever starving or sick, that gives evidence that makes us predict he was selfish and kept the good food for himself and tried to keep only himself as healthy as possible. In conclusion, Ferdinand Magellan was once again, not worth defending. He was unorganized, made horrible decisions and was a very inconsiderate and selfish leader. The reasons explained above give evidence that can answer the question of whether or not Magellan worth defending.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Expectations for English This Year Essay

I am very happy to be taking English this year. I have strengths I wish to expand on and weaknesses to improve. I have two main goals for this class this year. I hope with the help of my teacher and classmates I can make the most of this class. I am interested in English in many areas. For beginners, I would like to read novels. In the past, I would choose to read short, young adult books. Now I believe I am ready to read harder, more advanced books. I used to dread writing assignments, but I have come to realize writing is part of life. I just have to do it. Overall I enjoy English class. I have more weaknesses than strengths when it comes to English. My strengths are reading well, brainstorming ideas for writing assignments, and turning homework in on time. I can read well, but the trouble comes when I need to understand what I read. When it comes to writing, I have trouble expressing the words in a unique way. Finally, my grammar could use improvement in areas such as spelling and punctuation. After much consideration, I have come up with two goals that I hope to achieve from this class. The first one is to become a better, more advanced writer. I choose this goal because I feel communication is the key to life. In order to communicate well, I need to be able to write and read. That brings me to my second goal: to be able to get the most out of what I read. I want to be able to understand what I read. Accomplishing these goals will help me prepare for college. I am looking forward to writing a lot of stories, essays, and journal entries this year. I also am excited about reading novels to expand my reading level. I hope to achieve my goals. In doing all this and with practice, I hope to be well prepared for college.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Top Benefits of Going to a Large School

Top Benefits of Going to a Large School When people think of college, several images frequently come to mind: Football games. Students sitting in the quad. People attending classes. Graduation day. And while these events are common no matter where you go to school, different kinds of institutions understandably offer different kinds of experiences. If youre interested in going to a large school, then, just what are the top benefits you should consider? (Note: This list addresses general benefits. There are also many  academic benefits.) Diverse Community Whether its in the classroom or in your residence halls, big schools offer an enormous set of resources and perspectives. The more people there are in your community, after all, the larger the pool of knowledge. The way you interact with your fellow college or university community members doesnt have to be formalized and in the classroom; many students have life-changing, perspective-altering conversations in casual places like residence hall common areas or the campus coffee shop. When youre constantly surrounded by a diverse community of smart, interesting, engaging people whether theyre faculty, staff, or students its nearly impossible not to learn and grow from those around you. Live in a Metropolitan Area Even though there are exceptions to every rule, large schools tend to be in major, metropolitan areas, thereby offering a fantastic theater for you to further engage with during your college experience. Whether you take classes that connect you with the history and resources of your city, you volunteer in the local community, or you simply take advantage of the museums, community events, and other jewels that your town has to offer, going to school in a major, metropolitan area offers unique and significant benefits. Additionally, in contrast to a small school in a small town, you may have more opportunities for things like internships, student jobs, and other work experiences that can help prepare you for the job market once you graduate. A Degree from an Institution with a Well-known Reputation While small schools can offer an education of equal caliber to your large school, it can sometimes be frustrating if not awkward to constantly have to explain to people (and potential employers in particular) where your college is and what kind of experience you had. When you attend and graduate from a large school, however, you often receive more name recognition of the institution behind your degree. An Incredible Event-filled Experience While college students everywhere complain of being bored, larger schools seem to have a nearly-24/7 event calendar. At larger schools, there is virtually always something going on. And even if its across campus, at an on-campus theater, or in the lobby of your residence hall, big schools constantly offer experiences that can both supplement and complement what youre learning in the classroom. A Large Community to Connect With After Graduation If your school has thousands of students graduating every year if not every semester than the alumni network will be quite extensive. Whether youre watching football games at a local pub or trying to build professional connections, larger schools can offer both depth and breadth when it comes to finding other graduates who share your student and post-college experience and alma mater pride.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Struggle Between Greed And Lack Of Wisdom In Esther Forbes Novel Johnny Tremain

A Struggle Between Greed And Lack Of Wisdom In Esther Forbes' Novel Johnny Tremain Universal Concepts:Johnny Tremain In the storyâ€Å"Johnny Tremain†,by Esther Forbes, the main character, Johnny Tremain, struggles with his arrogance and selfishness prior to the Revolutionary War. Several concepts, like pride, disillusionment, and loss, are introduced by events that the protagonist encounters such as his work as a silversmith,his crippled hand, and the loss of Rab.These concepts are further reinforced by the thoughts and actions of Johnny Tremain in response to events. Johnny Tremain displayed the concept of pride in the story when he was making a handle of a silver basin for John Hancock, a wealthy man from Boston. This was shown in the passage, â€Å"By Sunday noon, Johnny, following Mr. Revere’s advice and his curve, had got the model of the handle exactly right. He could tell with his eyes closed. It felt perfect.† After experiencing many failures, he prided his success in making the handle perfectly. Evidently, we see him seem to â€Å"soak† in the satisfaction of his achievement, further displaying the concept of pride in this passage. The concept of disillusionment was revealed when Johnny Tremain realizes that because of his crippled hand, he cannot pursue his dream of being a silversmith. The text states,†He got up, stood facing them stiffly, his bad hand jammed into his breeches pocket. ’I’m going out,’ he said thickly.† In this section, we can see the reality of the situation dawn on him and affect him mentally. From the disillusionment, we also see him turn away and avoid the comfort from others in the Lapham’s household. The idea of loss is shown in the novel when Johnny Tremain was informed of Rab’s death.Upon fully facing the truth that Rab was dead, he felt as if,†He had moved off into a strange lonely world where nothing could seem real not even Rab’s death.† This is significant to note because we can already see that losing Rab had affected Johnny Tremain emotionally and had given us a sense that he finds the experience almost surreal. And with its surreal feel, he also felt the loneliness with the death of Rab, showing the massive impact that losing Rab had. In the novel, Johnny Tremain’s actions are similar to certain events in my life. Upon being discouraged, Johnny Tremain turns away from the comfort of others. I recall many times when a family member or friend were discouraged, and when I attempt to comfort them, they quickly turn away. In conclusion, the concepts in the novel- pride, disillusionment, and loss- have been displayed through the thoughts and actions of Johnny Tremain.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Distinctive Features Of Jesus' Image In Matthew And Luke Essay

The Distinctive Features Of Jesus' Image In Matthew And Luke - Essay Example Christ is able to lead people by giving each of them the opportunity to find personal salvation as well as to continue His good work in Israel by teaching others the truth of God: â€Å"But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel† (Matthew 10:6). Jesus warns the Israelites that they will have the difficult task of discovering the truth of God to ordinary people. He tells them that they can be rejected, however, nothing and no one should break their faith in God and God's truth: â€Å"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell†. Christ explains that the Jewish people can find spiritual salvation only if their souls become a fertile ground for the grain of God's truth. Otherwise, the human soul cannot find a way to God. People should be prepared for various trials and temptations on the way of their spiritual enlightenment. Christ warns people that the way to God involves the spiritual struggle with their vices and sins. This manifestation of the Jewish wisdom of Christ is inseparable from his missionary teaching. Christ focuses on the fact that only adherence to his ethical teaching can give the possibility of salvation, and thus can open a road to eternal life. In general, the essence of the Jewish wisdom of Jesus Christ implies that all people should perceive each other as if they are brothers and sisters. Integrity, honesty and mutual assistance should be the criteria of the life of Jews.